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Office du Développement Sylvo-Pastoral du Nord-Ouest


Since its establishment in 1981, ODESYPANO has been responsible for the implementation of integrated rural development through four major phases:

Phase of direct intervention (1981-1994) characterized by direct execution of programs and support activities of agricultural services by ODESYPANPO (rural infrastructure, milk collection, agricultural credit, supplying farmers ....).

Phase of adoption of participatory and integrated approach (API) (1995-2002), characterized by the organization of population, promotion of local participatory planning, execution of development activities through programs entered into with development committees (CDs) as representatives of population and by the disengagement of work and commercial activities.

Phase of adoption concept of local development

    Phase of adoption of Local Development concept characterized by the adoption of partnership, work within consultation frameworks (Regional Councils and Local Development Councils) and planning with communities and other actors (2003-2010)

    Phase of reinforcement of Local Development concept (2011-2016) based on a local multi-sectoral participatory and partnerial planning considering the level of the administrative sector (imada) as unit of planning and using the Community Development Plan (CDP) as exclusive integrator and unifying tool for mobilizing investments through a mechanism of formalized partnership among the various departments involved in the development.