The Northwest region of Tunisia is made of a vast mountainous and forest areas crossed by major rivers of the country with significant natural potential but its socio-economic conditions remain difficult. Unlike other regions, the NorthWest is home to almost all dams and water reservoirs (Water Tower of Tunisia) for the majority of Tunisian population.
Mountainous and forested areas of the North West part of this great region are caracterized by small fragmented farms. The high pressure on land resources and pathways leads to the clearing of forests, overgrazing and soil erosion. The isolation of rural population and the lack of clean water are also serious problem in the region. The unemployment rate exceeds the national average, enhencing youth migration to the big cities.
In order to promote sustainable development on these areas (mountainous areas of the four Northwest governorates : Beja, Jendouba, Kef, Siliana and Bizerte), it was decided to create in 1981, the Office of Sylvo-Pastoral development of the Northwest (ODESYPANO) pursuant to the law 81-17 of March 9, 1981.
The ODESYPANO is a public non-administrative establishment (EPNA) with civil legal personality, financial autonomy and placed under authority of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fishing.