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Office du Développement Sylvo-Pastoral du Nord-Ouest


The ODESYPANO having its headquarter in Beja is structured as follows :

1. A Central Directorate componed with:

  A General Directorate,

  A Directorate of Planning and Monitoring - Evaluation,

  A Directorate of Rural Animation and Technical Support,

  A Directorate of Human Resources and Training,

  A Directorate of Financial Affairs,

  A unit for project coordination,

  A unit of promoting participatory and partnership approach,

  A computer unit and internal audit and management control.

These central directorates play an important role in conception in terms of guidance, supervision and provide consistency to ODESYPANO programs; besides that they provide the control elements (technical and methodological notes, processes, methods, tools and monitoring and evaluation ...)

2. Four Regional Directorates (Beja, Kef, Ain Draham and Sejnane) and a support unit in Siliana. The Regional Directorates (RDs) have a mission to promote local planning with partners, to implement programs and support local organizations. The regional team consists of a Regional Director, supported by an administrative staff and a multidisciplinary team.

A Regional Directorate Is implemented locally through Centers of Animation and Advice Supply located near the beneficiaries. In order to provide training, extension and advisory services to target groups.

The advisors in these Centers are supported in their work by a multidisciplinary team (EP) networking with other development actors.