An enhanced partnership in general:
Applies to all government and non-government partners (CR, CLD, regional technical directorates of other ministries, NGOs ...) to formalize the practice of API and partnerships through the establishment a standard agreement framework between ministries
Especially for DGF, in addition to funding provided for forest operations, an agreement shall establish processes of cooperation and coordination for the socio-economic development of forest populations.
An intensive partnership on an experimental basis:
In delegations where PDCs already cover at least 80% of all sectors
06 delegations (over 8 potential) and 15 GDAPs within these delegations will be affected by intensive reinforcements so that, by the end of PNO4, together with CLD they perform the development of their areas and act as a leader and ensure proper integration of their PDCs in the preparation of PDES at the level of delegations. The role of ODESYPANO shall be limited to providing advisory support on demand.
Institutionnal arrangement of PNO4
Environmental and social safeguard measures
A. environmental safeguards:
The project will be implemented in accordance with the Bank's PO 4.00 (Piloting the use of national systems).
The Bank conducted a diagnostic review of backups (RDS) to determine equivalence and acceptability of national systems for the assessment of environmental impacts and forests, and to identify any differences
A framework for environmental and social protection (DCPES) document was prepared by ODESYPANO to cover the differences identified and described in the RDS and will be a guidance document for the implementation of safeguard measures during project implementation by ODESYPANO.
B. social safeguards:
- Operational policy of the bank 4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement) applies to take the necessary measures in case of use or access to private parcels
- For PNO4, the procedures to be adopted for the provision of the land are voluntary assignment and temporary occupation.
- A Framework for Involuntary Resettlement Policy (RPF) has been prepared by ODESYPANO describing the various procedures for the temporary occupation and voluntary assignment.