In the zones of interventions, ODESYPANO implements structured development programs in four fields :
(i) institutional strengthening and technical assistance in the preparation and execution of PDCs,
(ii) support for agricultural and pastoral production and income generating activities,
(iii) the consolidation, protection and management of natural resources,
(iv) improving rural basic infrastructure.
1 : Institutional strengthening and technical assistance in the preparation and execution of PDC:
The objective of this component is to strengthen the institutional and organizational capacity of all major development partners involved in the project and improve their methodological tools and their operational practices. Partners include local community-based organizations (CD & GDAP), the agency executing the project (ODESYPANO) and its partners (governmental and non-governmental organizations). More specifically, the component will support capacity to build and technical assistance to these entities in order to increase their participation and improve the effectiveness of planning, preparation, implementation and S&E of PDC and Annual Contracts programs (CPA) and the promotion of the adoption of the API in the local development process
This domain covers the organization of training workshops, provision of equipment / materials; information days / on field training and visits between communities and the implementation of a plan for environmental and social safeguards...
2 : Support for the agricultural / pastoral Production and Activities Generating Income
The objective of this component is to promote more efficiently diversified agricultural and pastoral production systems (mainly activities related to crops and livestock with higher yields and higher value) and support vulnerable groups (mainly women, youth and landless) to promote activities generating income (AGR) both profitable and sustainable. Specifically, this component will aim to improve and diversify agricultural and non-agricultural AGR by improving techniques and production practices and market access, while streamlining as possible the use of natural resources. ODESYPANO finance applied research operations which meet priority needs (including technical specification, promoting organic farming, collective grassland productivity improved, piloting and breeding techniques); provides equipment / demonstration and enhances awareness of climate change, disseminates innovative techniques and measures adapted to the climate; and provides consulting services in field crops, olive cultivation, dairy farming, organic farming, beekeeping, and rabbits among others.
In this domain, ODESYPANO also supports irrigation of mountain (Development of sources and small-scale irrigation) and livestock by the distribution of spawners cattle, sheep and goats and the provision of implants and veterinary products; conservation measures for indigenous breeds ; the development of beekeeping (specialized training and funding for packaging, labelling and certification)...
For activities generating income, it targets small farmers and vulnerable groups (women, youth and landless) and supports the creation of micro-projects in various areas (training, technical assistance, ..). In terms of small rural enterprises, it aims to connect groups of farmers to markets by linking farmers on a experimentation perspective and demonstrating the viability of such rural enterprises and organizational forms.
3 : Consolidation, protection and management of natural resources
In this domain, ODESYPANO aims to expand and improve flora and forest cover and practices to promote sustainable natural resources management, through conservation of soil and water (prevention and management of soil erosion and gully), it aims to also to improve pasture and degraded routes, forest development through participatory management plans, planting multipurpose trees and land consolidation operations to fight against land constraints relating the implementation of facilities for water and soil conservation and facilitate enhancing productivity.
4: Improvement of rural infrastructure
This domain covers the rehabilitation and / or construction of basic rural infrastructure to improve beneficiaries' access to these communities services. This domain concerns mainly rural roads, stormwater tanks in Douars where no other source of water supply is possible and communal systems of clean water supply to serve some communities by connecting to existing water distribution networks,